Sunday, December 27, 2009

Quote of The Day

"As the Democratic grinches get ready to vote on the despised, destructive, and chaotic health care bill, they've been trying to dress this fruitcake up with distortions, distractions, and a big red bow. But with almost 60 percent of the American people opposing their incoherent mess, the Democrats are trying desperately to convince us that nothing says merry Christmas like socialized medicine and higher taxes."

Monday, December 21, 2009

Why Do Muslims Hate Americans

Franken won't let Lieberman finish speaking

Franken won't let Lieberman finish speaking

Quote of The Day

"Americans, generally speaking, don't approve of that kind of behavior [characterized by Sen. Al Franken cutting off Sen. Joe Lieberman while speaking on the Senate floor]. But that's what we often get from the far left. Just look at their websites. Look at the savages spewing venom on cable television. Yes, it's true the right does some of that kind of stuff as well, but not nearly as much as the far left. I see the transcripts, ladies and gentlemen. I know who's saying what."

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Quote of The Day

"There is no question that millions of Americans are fed up with both established parties and want something new, something vibrant, something that reflects values and beliefs they have. To say that a Tea Party or a Bull Moose Party or whatever should not be established because it would help a sitting liberal president is anti-democratic. We need more choices in America because the same old-same old is not working. So three cheers for three parties. Whatever the new party is called, it can't do any worse than the old parties. Can it?"

Copenhagen climate summit: 140 private jets, 1,200 limos. 5 hybrids.

Andrew Gilligan examines the hypocrisy:

Ms Jorgensen reckons that between her and her rivals the total number of limos in Copenhagen next week has already broken the 1,200 barrier. The French alone rang up on Thursday and ordered another 42. “We haven’t got enough limos in the country to fulfil the demand,” she says. “We’re having to drive them in hundreds of miles from Germany and Sweden.”
And the total number of electric cars or hybrids among that number? “Five,” says Ms Jorgensen. “The government has some alternative fuel cars but the rest will be petrol or diesel. We don’t have any hybrids in Denmark, unfortunately, due to the extreme taxes on those cars. It makes no sense at all, but it’s very Danish.”
The airport says it is expecting up to 140 extra private jets during the peak period alone, so far over its capacity that the planes will have to fly off to regional airports – or to Sweden – to park, returning to Copenhagen to pick up their VIP passengers.

The Left Has Been Playing The Race Card on Demcare From The Start

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Martha Stewart: Palin Is A ‘Boring, Confused And Dangerous Person’

'SNL' Destroys Obama Over Spending

Not only timely and topical, but genuinely funny. And unlike the last time they hit him hard, this attack comes from the right. Who knew they had it in ‘em?

Actually, spending is only a secondary concern here. The chief target is The One's disintegrating credibility in selling his statist agenda. Never would I have guessed that the great orator's inability to explain cost savings in ObamaCare would be the subject of late-night mockery this late in the game. No wonder his numbers are at new lows nationally and in the swing state that propelled him to the presidency.

Below the Obama clip you'll find last night's obligatory dig at Palin - although even that one's framed as coming from the DNC and Keith Olbermann, which makes it a double-edged gag about the left's Palin Derangement Syndrome. Is SNL trending ... conservative?

Quote of The Day

"it is the economy that will define whether or not Barack Obama is successful and whether conservatives can mount a comeback against him... The current recession is painful, but if the USA goes bankrupt like California, there will be revolt in this country. So it is time to put all the social engineering on hold and get back to sound economic principles. The right wants to do that. The left does not. Therein lies the struggle. At this point, conservative America is regaining momentum and the left is on the defensive."

Monday, November 23, 2009

ClimateGate: Both sides of the pond demand probes into data manipulation scandal

I blogged the ClimateGate scandal last week. It keeps going — and growing. There are calls on both sides of the pond for an investigation into data manipulation. A former British lord is demanding an independent inquiry:
This morning Lord Lawson, who has reinvented himself as a prominent climate change sceptic since leaving front line politics, demanded that the apparent deception be fully investigated.
He claimed that the credibility of the university’s world-renowned Climatic Research Unit – and British science – were under threat. “They should set up a public inquiry under someone who is totally respected and get to the truth,” he told the BBC Radio Four Today programme. “If there’s an explanation for what’s going on they can make that explanation.”

Around 1,000 emails and 3,000 documents were stolen from UEA computers by hackers last week and uploaded on to a Russian server before circulating on websites run by climate change sceptics. Some of the correspondence indicates that the manipulation of data was widespread among global warming researchers.

One of the emails under scrutiny, written by Phil Jones, the centre’s director, in 1999, reads: “I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature [the science journal] trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie, from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.” Prof Jones has insisted that he used the word “trick” to mean a “clever thing to do”, rather than to indicate deception. He has denied manipulating data.

Here in the U.S., GOP Sen. Jim Inhofe — a longtime watchdog over the global warming mob — has also called for a probe

Calling corruptocrat eco-czar Carol Browner! She knows all about avoiding sunlight (“Put nothing in writing…ever”) and evading data disclosure.

John Hinderaker at Powerline delves into the damning e-mails here and here.

Michael Goldfarb shines light on the blabbermouth NYTimes’ newfound reluctance to discuss sensitive information.

And such selective blabbermouths they are.

Danny Glover has more on NYT climate change spinner Andrew Revkin.

Follow ClimateAudit and Watts Up With That? for all the latest.

Be sure to stay informed and take the ClimateGate pop quiz from Gavin Atkins.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Contrary To Theory, Atmospheric Carbon Soaring But Global Warming Isn’t

New evidence suggests that the correlation between atmospheric carbon and warming may not be as clear as previously believed

Global warming is an extremely sensitive topic. Some ardently believe that man is pushing our planet towards global ruin, while others believe that proponents of anthropogenic warming theory are pushing the global economy towards financial ruin. Surprisingly, though, the evidence is not as black or white as either group would like you to believe.

A recent study looking at atmospheric carbon when combined with a recent summary of global atmospheric temperatures over the past 30 years sharply illustrates this uncertainty.

Why do I have a feeling Al Gore won’t be happy about this part:

With the international community puzzling over expensive climate change legislation, it is important to consider carefully what landmarks by which to gauge “success” amid the uncertainty of cyclic variation. Furthermore, critics and proponents aside, the wisest approach seems to be to avoid schemes that throw money into the wind, such as carbon trading or carbon sequestration.

The Copenhagen talks are going nowhere.

Gore Employs Photoshop to Push Warming Agenda… Shrinks Florida

A midget Southern Hemisphere cyclone is off the coast of Florida, another hurricane is sitting on the equator off the coast of Peru — and the Arctic Ice is gone (perhaps it is summer) and the Florida Peninsula is half gone

With the increasingly discredited notion of man-made global warming crashing and burning on a daily basis, climate alarmists are being forced to accelerate their fearmongering to unprecedented levels. With the evidence failing to match up to the doomsday proclamations, Al Gore has turned to photoshop in order to make a CO2-choked earth look scary enough to sell his cap and trade scam.

The latest example of climate cult fakery comes in the form of the front cover of Al Gore’s new book, Our Choice; A Plan To Solve The Climate Crisis.

Shortly after the devastation of Katrina, Al Gore was busy making a correlation between hurricanes and global warming in an effort to drive home his claim that higher global CO2 emissions cause an increase in extreme weather events. The cover art for Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, features an image of a hurricane rising out of a smoke stack.

Seemingly underwhelmed that there have been no major hurricanes since Katrina, along with the fact that global hurricane activity is now at a thirty year low, Gore came up with an ingenious method of solving the problem of the lack of scary depictions of frightening hurricanes to display on his book – simply airbrush them in!

And where the heck is Cuba? Read the article… Warning! It’s from Prison Planet, so if that bothers you more than the content of the article, then there is nothing to see here.

Bill to audit the Fed passes Committee hurdle

In an unprecedented defeat for the Federal Reserve, an amendment to audit the multi-trillion dollar institution was approved by the House Finance Committee with an overwhelming and bipartisan 43-26 vote on Thursday afternoon despite harried last-minute lobbying from top Fed officials and the surprise opposition of Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.), who had previously been a supporter.

The measure, cosponsored by Reps. Ron Paul (R-Texas) and Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), authorizes the Government Accountability Office to conduct a wide-ranging audit of the Fed’s opaque deals with foreign central banks and major U.S. financial institutions. The Fed has never had a real audit in its history and little is known of what it does with the trillions of dollars at its disposal.

You may think Huffington Post is a liberal-wing-nut-newspaper-destroyer-blog, but sometimes they do a good job deconstructing the facts.

Leaked emails may show that man-made climate change is a hoax

These quotes are from the Telegraph. You can download all the emails on Megaupload or have a glance at them on this forum.

"I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.

The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate.

Next time I see Pat Michaels at a scientific meeting, I’ll be tempted to beat the crap out of him. Very tempted".

Monday, November 16, 2009

Quote of The Day

"...Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will not be on trial in New York City--waterboarding and the CIA will be. The exposition is likely will be a fiasco. It will take years. It will cost tens of millions of taxpayer dollars. Again, why are we doing this? ...President Obama should explain this thoroughly. Instead, the announcement is made while he's in Asia. Does that tell you something? Why didn't he wait until he got back? I'll tell you why: because this is indefensible."

Sunday, November 15, 2009

United Nations censors anti-censorship group

At a UN-sponsored Internet Governance Forum in Egypt, anti-censorship group Open Net Initiative was startled by a demand from UN officials to remove a poster mentioning Chinese Net censorship. When ONI refused the request, security personnel arrived and took away the poster. The group was promoting a new book, Access Controlled, a survey of Internet censorship, filtering, and online surveillance. A witness said, “The poster was thrown on the floor and we were told to remove it because of the reference to China and Tibet. We refused, and security guards came and removed it. The incident was witnessed by many.”

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Quote of The Day

"...aggressive action must be taken to find out what was known about Hasan and who knew it. The guy [didn't] snap. He was indoctrinated into Muslim fanaticism and people knew it. Political correctness can get people killed. I believe that's part of the Fort Hood massacre story. Hasan was a weird guy. He said inappropriate things. He did inappropriate things. Yet he continued to serve as a major in the Army largely because I believe he's a Muslim."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Is new sci-fi show a veiled criticism of Obama?

ABC's new science-fiction show "V" is about aliens who come to Earth and promise all kinds of things like hope and universal health care. The aliens also try to control the media, and to recruit young people through technology like text messaging and websites. Some are saying that this series is a thinly veiled criticism of Obama. What do you think?

Quote of The Day

"...the voters tonight, I don't believe, voted [based on] foreign policy. I mean, I think it was mostly the health care mess that is hurting Obama. That's my opinion. I can't really back it up, but I think you'll see subsequent interviews saying that it was the health care mess that's hurt Obama most."

Monday, November 2, 2009

Quote of The Day

"...every time over the last century [that] politicians have tried to push through government-managed health care, they've been defeated by the American people. Going back to Teddy Roosevelt, the Americans have been rightly suspicious and frightened of Washington-run health care. As it is, we see Social Security and Medicare moving toward bankruptcy. We see Amtrak losing a billion plus annually. And now, we're going to put the Feds in charge of health care?"

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Pelosi Recoils From Reid's Touch

Quote of The Day

"ACORN has problems all over the place. The FBI should open a field office in its national headquarters. [ACORN CEO Bertha] Lewis should wise up. As you may know, most of the press isn't covering this story because ACORN is an activist group with heavy ties to the Democratic party, but there is ...a legitimate question of overkill here. Let's face it, ACORN is finished in the public arena. The group will never recover from the scandals."

Monday, October 5, 2009

Quote of The Day

"Of course, we are dealing with the devil [by holding multilateral talks with Iran], as Iran is a brutal country bent on causing destruction. But President Obama doesn't really have much choice. He has to make some kind of deal with Iran. If he doesn't, there are only two choices left. The world goes to war, or Iran becomes a nuclear power on his watch. That is the stark reality..."

Friday, October 2, 2009

Quote of The Day

"At this point, it's impossible to know exactly how much influence the committed left has with the president. But based on health care and his tentative Afghan and Iran positions, it looks like Barack Obama is listening to the Podestas [John Podesta heads The Center for American Progress] and [the Michael] Moores of the world. If that is true, he will be a one-term president."

Revolution Next for U.S.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

McCain goes nuclear on Carter

Quote of The Day

"...the president led the U.N. Security Council to pass a resolution making it more difficult for nations to violate the nuclear weapons ban--a good thing for sure. But it doesn't mean very much in a world where North Korea and Iran couldn't care less what the U.N. does. So while the president gets a good PR boost, the fundamental problem remains. Iran may be months away from having a nuclear weapon."

Acoustic Weapons Applied at G20 Protest in Pittsburgh

Gordon Brown – Elephant in the Room

Pitt Police Gas Students and Anyone Around

Rep. Alan Grayson: “Has the Federal Reserve Ever Tried to Manipulate the Stock Market?”

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pastor prays for Obama's death

A pastor in Arizona is encouraging his parishioners to pray for the death of President Obama. In this local news report, the pastor defends his controversial statements. Disagreeing with the President is a 1st Amendment right -- but does this preacher go too far?

Quote of The Day

"If it's another week, it's another change to the Obama health care strategy. First, it was 'We're going to save all this money with health care reform.' Then it was demonizing the insurance companies. Then it was demonizing the town hall people. And now I don't know what they're on to."

Pelosi's Double Standard on the Minimum Wage

Pete Stark Blows Up Over National Debt

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Howard Dean booed and heckled at town hall

Tuesday night in Virginia, former DNC chair Howard Dean received a raucous welcome at a Town Hall meeting. A member of the crowd was eventually ejected in the midst of all the chaos.

Quote of the Day

"...what we have here is a crisis of leadership. There's no question about it. Health care's in chaos. Afghanistan, Iraq [are] getting worse. Deficit? $2 trillion more than anybody thought. And Gallup reports today that consumer confidence in the economy continues to drop. Seems to me it would be very hard to relax on vacation with all of that staring you in the face."

Monday, August 24, 2009

Quote of The Day

"The outrageous scene of a cheer welcoming a mass murdering animal whose terrorist actions resulted in the senseless killing of 270 innocent people on Pan Am flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland was a grim reminder of just what kind of enemy the world faces with Islamic jihadists. The politicians and diplomats who naively believe that there's something to be gained from having a nice chat with people who kill without conscience, and who are given a hero's welcome for their diabolical death acts need to wake up, grow up, and and stand up."

Michelle Malkin addresses the Right Online conference

Sean Hannity: Michelle Malkin on Barack Obama Adviser David Axelrod's Conflict of Interest

Friday, August 21, 2009

Quote of the Day

"As far as President Obama is concerned, the health care war is breaking down along party lines. Democrats well understand the president can't afford to be embarrassed on the issue. That would taint his entire presidency. But there's no question most Americans are now dissatisfied with the president's health care deal. According to a brand new NBC News poll, 47 percent now disapprove of the way Mr. Obama is handling health care reform, while 41 percent approve. It's clear Obama's health care policy is not playing among the folks."

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Barney Frank Fights Back Against Town Hall Protester

Rep. Barney Frank is not one to keep his mouth shut. So when a woman challenged him at a town hall on Tuesday, he really let her have it.

Quote of The Day

"A new study by Gallup says conservatives significantly outnumber liberals in 47 states. Only Hawaii, Vermont and Massachusetts have an even split. Liberals don't have a majority anywhere. But the media is heavily left, and liberal voices dominate the national conversation on television and in the newspapers. That has emboldened the far left... your humble correspondent believes the Obama administration is intimidated by the far left and fears their zealotry. But if the president governs in their direction, he will fail dismally. The United States... is a center-right country with a strong tradition of self-reliance."

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Quote of Day

"So here's the deal. If President Obama wants more fairness in the health care industry--and there should be--he's got to come up with five bullet points that even I can understand. That's a tall order. Five things that clearly tell us what Obama-care would do. And I'll tell you what--he can forget about the public option. It's not going to happen. Even a liberal Congress will not pass a huge federal entitlement when the country's on the verge of bankruptcy."

Monday, August 17, 2009

Quote of The Day

"What happened to the Democrats being the party of the little guy? White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs keeps saying that the town halls are not representative. It's just all a lot of chatter. And team Obama says that the people are just misinformed. The left has spent a lot of time, effort, and money trying to discredit the town hallers as the yahoo racist fringe. Well, this strategy has clearly backfired. Look, Democrats have been caught flat-footed, it's obvious, by this popular uprising."

Chevy Malibu Built In The US

The 2008 Malibu is built on a revised version of the long-wheelbase Epsilon platform shared with the Saturn Aura, the Opel Signum, and Pontiac G6. It is assembled in Kansas City, alongside the Saturn Aura, and also at Lake Orion, Michigan, More:

Ford Fusion Built In Mexico

The Ford Fusion (code name CD338) is a mid-size car produced by the Ford Motor Company since the 2006 model year.

The Fusion is manufactured at Ford's Hermosillo Stamping & Assembly plant in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, where the similar Mercury Milan and Lincoln MKZ are also built. All three cars are based on the CD3 platform shared with Mazda's Mazda6 (M/Y 2003-2008)[1] and were launched simultaneously into the market (the MKZ as the Zephyr). More:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Browser Cookie Cleaning Preventing Your Being Tracked On The Web

Read the article to learn what you don’t know about government’s websites tracking you via cookies and what to do about it all.

"More than half of the internet’s top websites use a little known capability of Adobe’s Flash plugin to track users and store information about them, but only four of them mention the so-called Flash Cookies in their privacy policies, UC Berkeley researchers reported Monday.

Unlike traditional browser cookies, Flash cookies are relatively unknown to web users, and they are not controlled through the cookie privacy controls in a browser. That means even if a user thinks they have cleared their computer of tracking objects, they most likely have not.

What’s even sneakier?

Several services even use the surreptitious data storage to reinstate traditional cookies that a user deleted, which is called ‘re-spawning’ in homage to video games where zombies come back to life even after being “killed,” the report found. So even if a user gets rid of a website’s tracking cookie, that cookie’s unique ID will be assigned back to a new cookie again using the Flash data as the “backup.”

Even the showed up in the report, with researchers reporting they found a Flash cookie with the name “userId.” The site does say in its privacy policy that it uses tracking technology but it does not mention Flash or tell users how to get rid of the Flash cookie.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

The American Form of Government

Liz Cheney speaks at the RedState Gathering

Quote of The Day

"The fact is crowds of this size [at town hall meetings] only turn out across the country if there is real, genuine passion about an issue. And what's driving this August activism is a lack of trust in what the Democrats are promising on health care. Voters hear, 'Oh, don't worry, abortions aren't covered. Illegal aliens don't benefit. Care won't be rationed. Private insurance won't be killed off.' Yet, informed Americans respond with, we don't believe you. Rather than facing the harsh truth, Democrats have stooped to a new low."

Rep. Tsongas tries to explain why Congress is exempt from Obamacare. Fails.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Seniors revolt at health care town hall

Original Video- More videos at TinyPic
AARP sponsored a town hall in Dallas and chaos ensued. Angry seniors, worried about losing their health care coverage, demanded answers from the AARP rep. The heat was too much for the moderators and they eventually canceled the meeting.

Quote of The Day

"I don't like insulting rhetoric at town hall meetings by anyone. People should be able to state their case without personal attacks. And I suggest all Americans bring some measure of civility to the debate. However, organized protests are not un-American. And the left is now getting a big taste of its own medicine. Again, it's impossible to know what emotions are spontaneous and what are contrived. But if you want to know the truth about health care, the polling tells the tale. Most Americans now believe President Obama's health care vision is not good for them. And all the spin in the world will not disprove that fact."

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Obama wants to destroy our healthcare

Michelle Malkin on the Mark Levin Show

The President's CZARS All Have Nut Job Beliefs Like Putting Sterilants In Drinking Water

Enough of The Mob

Haha most of these people protesting are not republicans.

Quote of The Day

" this point the only way President Obama can get any health care plan passed is to compromise and deeply cut the expense while allowing tax breaks for working Americans who pay their own way. Most Americans want strict government oversight on health care and the insurance industry, but they don't want the feds calling their medical shots. Once again, Americans are saying no to a socialistic program that puts more power in the hands of the government. Most folks, including me, do not want that."

George W. Bush: Comic-Book Villain?

I don’t seem to recall the same level of outrage about this.

What is that?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Obama Joker poster popping up in Los Angeles

Spoof poster of Obama's face painted as The Joker branded 'dangerous and mean-spirited'

A poster depicting Barack Obama as Batman villain The Joker has been called 'mean-spirited and dangerous' by the U.S. President's supporters.
The image, which has been adopted by Mr Obama's critics, shows him wearing the white face paint and smudged red lips of the character most recently played by the late actor Heath Ledger. Beneath the picture reads the word 'socialism'.

The creator of the image remains unknown, but the website that first published the image crashed yesterday because so many had been attempting to view it. It has since been spotted in Los Angeles and Atlanta after it appeared in U.S. media.

The right-wing editor of the American Thinker website, Thomas Lifson, wrote today: 'It is starting.

Inspiration: The poster mimics the make-up worn by late actor Heath Ledger in the latest Batman film

'Open mockery of of Barack Obama, as disillusionment sets in with the man, his policies, and the phony image of a race-healing, brilliant, scholarly middle-of-the-roader.'
But the President's supporters have condemned the image, calling it 'mean-spirited and dangerous.'

A spokesman from the Los Angeles urban policy unit said that depicting the president as demonic and a socialist 'goes beyond political spoofery.'
The image comes as the President faces criticism over his plans to create a $1trillion healthcare programme.

Republican chairman Michael Steele first used the word 'socialism' in relation to Mr Obama two weeks ago as he slammed the President's attempts to push Congress into passing the healthcare reforms.

Quote of The Day

"we believe [that] two vibrant political parties are necessary for a strong America. Competition always leads to good ideas. When one party dominates, you tend to see arrogance and foolish policies creep in. And that may already be happening to the Obama administration. According to Real Clear Politics, President Obama's job approval rating is falling faster than any modern president except for Bill Clinton. Since his inauguration, the president has lost 16 points in about six months."

Glenn Beck radio show - Obama is a racist

Sean Hannity: Michelle Malkin on Her New Barack Obama Book "Culture of Corruption"

Michelle Malkin talks with Glenn Beck about Obama's "Culture of Corruption"

Michelle Malkin On "The View"

Michelle discusses Obama’s “racial opportunism” on … the Today show

Monday, August 3, 2009


White House Beer Summit

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
White House Beer Summit
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTasers

Quote of The Day

"...Americans have seen now seven months of far-left government in action. What does that mean? Massive spending programs, Washington's takeover of the auto companies, the perpetual apology tour overseas, dozens of unelected czars with unchecked power, and my favorite, cash for clunkers. All of these have been total failures. And now that Americans have had time to do what many congressmen won't do--actually digest what's in the health care plan--they are in a full-fledged revolt."

Massive Fail in Turkey

Time Lapse Charcoal Drawing — Megan Fox

This Guy’s Good

Log into and Turn Your Computer Over to Obama

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Cartoon of the Year....Maybe the Cartoon of the Century

'A government big enough to give you everything you want,
is strong enough to take everything you have.'

Thomas Jefferson

Cool Click and Drag Video

Friday, July 31, 2009

Bill O'Reilly and Dick Morris on Obama Health Care News Conference

Bill O'Reilly Reacts to Obama Health Care News Conference

Rush Limbaugh - Obama Health Care for Seniors

Quote of The Day

"Why is the far left saying America is a dumb country? ...87 percent of American adults ages 25 to 64 have graduated from high school or college, compared to 85 percent in Britain [and] 67 percent in France. Obviously, we the people are fairly well educated. The far-left ignorance meter, I think, is simply driven by ideology. If you disagree with their policies, you're a moron."

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bill O'Reilly Slams "Birther" Story Defends Lou Dobbs's Free-Speech Rights

Geithner Home Crisis Investigation

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Home Crisis Investigation
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJoke of the Day

If Timothy Geithner is as bad at handling the economy as he is at picking bathroom tiles, he won’t need to sell his house.

Powell thinks Gates should have chilled out

Colin Powell said Tuesday night Professor Gates should not have gotten so mad when a white police officer mistook him for a burglar in his own house. Powell admitted that he himself had been racially profiled in the past, but said that Gates should have acted differently.

Quote of The Day

"Quite simply, the federal government cannot run the economy, health care, or assure your personal happiness. [If] President Obama continues down the big government road of social engineering, you will see massive--and I mean massive--corruption. [We] might also see the USA go into bankruptcy and the dollar crash."

Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth

Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama says Boston cops acted "stupidly"

At Wednesday night's press conference, most of the questions were about health care. But at the end, a reporter asked Pres. Obama about the story of an African American Harvard professor who was arrested in his own home after police mistook him for a burglar. Was the president right to blame the cops?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

South Korean politicians brawl

The American health care debate looks tame compared to the South Korean parliament. Legislators fought each other physically after talks broke down Wednesday during debate over a media ownership bill.

Quote of The Day

"President Obama will try to save his health care vision with a prime time press conference. He will not succeed. Americans understand that the essential force of this country is freedom, not big government micromanaging what we can and can't do. Mr. Obama does not get that."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Quote of The Day

"After Watergate, all the other networks and many major newspapers became left-wing organizations, and that remains to this day. Enter Barack Obama. As the president said at a recent media dinner, 'Most of you voted for me.' And that is true. That could also be hurting the nation, as Mr. Obama may take this country into bankruptcy... [but] there is little scrutiny [of] the president's incredible spending by the press, because the press is sympathetic to Mr. Obama's agenda. ...Walter Cronkite, in his later years, would probably have bought into that. But, in his early years, he would have been skeptical of it, as all journalists should be... We have gone from a media that challenged authority while seeking the truth to a media that champions ideology."

Friday, July 17, 2009

Neda Story Graphic

Senator Boxer Accused of Race Politics

Senator Barbara Boxer was accused of being racially condescending by the president and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce Harry Alford at a Senate hearing this week.

Quote of The Day

"President Obama's vision is a giant federal apparatus, funded primarily by affluent Americans. That's not going to work. The expense is simply too great. Punitive taxation will not be able to pay the bills, and the USA could very well go bankrupt just as California has."

Hmmm... Sen. Jeff Sessions and Crack

Now Jon Stewart Takes On Goldman Sachs

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Pyramid Economy
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJoke of the Day

FOX: Glenn Beck Screams at Caller to Radio Show

Thursday, July 16, 2009

NEW Top Gear Aus: Ep2-Walkinshaw R8

Pontiac G8 GT Commercial - Spy Hunter

CNN Makes Fun Of Obama's Mom Jeans At Game

Senator: White judges can't understand minorities

Original Video- More videos at TinyPic
Sen. Dick Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, implied during his questioning of Sonia Sotomayor that previous court nominees John Roberts and Samuel Alito had trouble understanding the plight of minorities, because as white males it was not "in their DNA."

Quote of The Day

"White men are bad, conservative women are stupid, and country music should not be heard in the Supreme Court, or something [according to New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd]. I hope everybody reads Maureen Dowd's entire column. It clearly demonstrates what the left-wing media is doing--marginalizing all with whom they disagree--and demonizing entire groups of people they see as evil or dumb. White men, conservative women, country music fans. Are we going to take this?"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


The Word - Guns, Credit, and Corn

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Guns, Credit, and Corn
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorJeff Goldblum

Senator Wences Questions Sonia Sotomayor

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Senator Wences Questions Sonia Sotomayor
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorJeff Goldblum

Limbaugh Compares Sotomayor Nomination To Nominating David Duke

Sotomayor Refuses to Renounce 'Wise Latina' Word

Quote of The Day

"Global warming is bad, but cap and trade will not affect it very much because China and India will continue to pollute. Big corporations like Goldman Sachs and big guys like Al Gore could make many, many millions of dollars off cap and trade, while the regular folks will pay more for just about everything. That definitely sounds like change--change Mr. Gore and Goldman Sachs can believe in."