Friday, July 31, 2009

Bill O'Reilly and Dick Morris on Obama Health Care News Conference

Bill O'Reilly Reacts to Obama Health Care News Conference

Rush Limbaugh - Obama Health Care for Seniors

Quote of The Day

"Why is the far left saying America is a dumb country? ...87 percent of American adults ages 25 to 64 have graduated from high school or college, compared to 85 percent in Britain [and] 67 percent in France. Obviously, we the people are fairly well educated. The far-left ignorance meter, I think, is simply driven by ideology. If you disagree with their policies, you're a moron."

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bill O'Reilly Slams "Birther" Story Defends Lou Dobbs's Free-Speech Rights

Geithner Home Crisis Investigation

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Home Crisis Investigation
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJoke of the Day

If Timothy Geithner is as bad at handling the economy as he is at picking bathroom tiles, he won’t need to sell his house.

Powell thinks Gates should have chilled out

Colin Powell said Tuesday night Professor Gates should not have gotten so mad when a white police officer mistook him for a burglar in his own house. Powell admitted that he himself had been racially profiled in the past, but said that Gates should have acted differently.

Quote of The Day

"Quite simply, the federal government cannot run the economy, health care, or assure your personal happiness. [If] President Obama continues down the big government road of social engineering, you will see massive--and I mean massive--corruption. [We] might also see the USA go into bankruptcy and the dollar crash."

Overpopulation: The Making of a Myth

Friday, July 24, 2009

Obama says Boston cops acted "stupidly"

At Wednesday night's press conference, most of the questions were about health care. But at the end, a reporter asked Pres. Obama about the story of an African American Harvard professor who was arrested in his own home after police mistook him for a burglar. Was the president right to blame the cops?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

South Korean politicians brawl

The American health care debate looks tame compared to the South Korean parliament. Legislators fought each other physically after talks broke down Wednesday during debate over a media ownership bill.

Quote of The Day

"President Obama will try to save his health care vision with a prime time press conference. He will not succeed. Americans understand that the essential force of this country is freedom, not big government micromanaging what we can and can't do. Mr. Obama does not get that."

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Quote of The Day

"After Watergate, all the other networks and many major newspapers became left-wing organizations, and that remains to this day. Enter Barack Obama. As the president said at a recent media dinner, 'Most of you voted for me.' And that is true. That could also be hurting the nation, as Mr. Obama may take this country into bankruptcy... [but] there is little scrutiny [of] the president's incredible spending by the press, because the press is sympathetic to Mr. Obama's agenda. ...Walter Cronkite, in his later years, would probably have bought into that. But, in his early years, he would have been skeptical of it, as all journalists should be... We have gone from a media that challenged authority while seeking the truth to a media that champions ideology."

Friday, July 17, 2009

Neda Story Graphic

Senator Boxer Accused of Race Politics

Senator Barbara Boxer was accused of being racially condescending by the president and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce Harry Alford at a Senate hearing this week.

Quote of The Day

"President Obama's vision is a giant federal apparatus, funded primarily by affluent Americans. That's not going to work. The expense is simply too great. Punitive taxation will not be able to pay the bills, and the USA could very well go bankrupt just as California has."

Hmmm... Sen. Jeff Sessions and Crack

Now Jon Stewart Takes On Goldman Sachs

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Pyramid Economy
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorJoke of the Day

FOX: Glenn Beck Screams at Caller to Radio Show

Thursday, July 16, 2009

NEW Top Gear Aus: Ep2-Walkinshaw R8

Pontiac G8 GT Commercial - Spy Hunter

CNN Makes Fun Of Obama's Mom Jeans At Game

Senator: White judges can't understand minorities

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Sen. Dick Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, implied during his questioning of Sonia Sotomayor that previous court nominees John Roberts and Samuel Alito had trouble understanding the plight of minorities, because as white males it was not "in their DNA."

Quote of The Day

"White men are bad, conservative women are stupid, and country music should not be heard in the Supreme Court, or something [according to New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd]. I hope everybody reads Maureen Dowd's entire column. It clearly demonstrates what the left-wing media is doing--marginalizing all with whom they disagree--and demonizing entire groups of people they see as evil or dumb. White men, conservative women, country music fans. Are we going to take this?"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


The Word - Guns, Credit, and Corn

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Guns, Credit, and Corn
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorJeff Goldblum

Senator Wences Questions Sonia Sotomayor

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Senator Wences Questions Sonia Sotomayor
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorJeff Goldblum

Limbaugh Compares Sotomayor Nomination To Nominating David Duke

Sotomayor Refuses to Renounce 'Wise Latina' Word

Quote of The Day

"Global warming is bad, but cap and trade will not affect it very much because China and India will continue to pollute. Big corporations like Goldman Sachs and big guys like Al Gore could make many, many millions of dollars off cap and trade, while the regular folks will pay more for just about everything. That definitely sounds like change--change Mr. Gore and Goldman Sachs can believe in."

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hooters Girl Barstool Trick

Bizarre Product Video Ads

Presidential Teleprompter Takes a Nosedive

Much has been made about how Pres. Obama relies on his teleprompters to give speeches. So, Obama was almost at a loss for words last night when his teleprompter crashed to the floor. Luckily, the President had a backup, and disaster was averted.

Quote of The Day

"Out of six cases, Judge Sotomayor's rulings have been overturned four times by the Supreme Court. That's not a good record. I believe she's an honest woman. And maybe she's just made a few mistakes. Maybe. But if she turns out to be another Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the United States of America will take a huge turn for the worse. We need judges who will treat all Americans the same way, period."

Friday, July 10, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"As you may know, the president is a secular guy, a strong pro-choice advocate who dodged the question on when life begins by saying it's above his pay grade. Well, the creation of life is above everybody's pay grade. But it seems to me [that] if you don't know, you might have an obligation to protect as many lives as you can, right? I bet the pope sees it that way as well... The USA has become the strongest, most prosperous country on this earth largely because of its Judeo-Christian traditions. I hope Pope Benedict XVI reminds President Obama about that tomorrow."

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Quote Of The Day

"For more than three years, I have been telling you that the oil companies are rigged. The markets are rigged, with supply and demand having little to do with what we pay at the gas pump, or what the power companies charge to heat or cool our homes. Now you'll remember, I was hammered for my analysis. ...Well, today, the front page headline in The Wall Street Journal is 'Oil speculators under fire: U.S. weighs more trading regulations as U.K., France seek international action.' Well, it's about time... I received thousands of emails calling me an idiot, a madman, even a communist for telling the truth about the rigged oil industry. But now the truth is coming out, and you heard it here first."

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Quote of The Day

"[The media coverage of Michael Jackson's death] illustrates just how crazy the USA is becoming. A cowardly media will exploit any event for ratings. Remember, the same people extolling Jackson today were the ones giving his child molestation trial gavel-to-gavel attention. And after Michael Jackson was found not guilty, the American media did not exactly elevate him to hero status, did it? But now that he's dead, most likely from an accidental drug overdose, he is a hero. How does that work? How does that happen? It's another day in media world."

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mark Levin: Sarah Palin Resignation

John Ziegler on O'Reilly: Sarah Palin Resigned for the Reasons She Gave

Quote of The Day

"If President Obama continues the massive spending, every American is going to suffer. And soon. But it looks to me like many Democrats in Congress don't care, just as the California legislature didn't care. The liberal philosophy is one of big spending. They believe government should provide for everybody. Nice thought--only it's impossible. And by trying to create a nanny state, the economic system in America could very well implode. It's happened in California under a Republican governor. Pray it doesn't happen to the entire country under President Obama."

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Enoch Powell - Rivers of Blood Part 1-8

You're welcome, Iraq

Iraqis took to the streets on Tuesday, dancing in celebration of the US Military's withdrawal from Iraq's cities. They're calling it Independence Day, to mark the end of the US occupation.

Quote of The Day

"You see the winds of liberalization blowing through Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon... And now, of course, we see this democratic revolt happening in Iran. Does all of this prove that President Bush's freedom agenda was, in fact, correct?"