Sunday, September 27, 2009

McCain goes nuclear on Carter

Quote of The Day

"...the president led the U.N. Security Council to pass a resolution making it more difficult for nations to violate the nuclear weapons ban--a good thing for sure. But it doesn't mean very much in a world where North Korea and Iran couldn't care less what the U.N. does. So while the president gets a good PR boost, the fundamental problem remains. Iran may be months away from having a nuclear weapon."

Acoustic Weapons Applied at G20 Protest in Pittsburgh

Gordon Brown – Elephant in the Room

Pitt Police Gas Students and Anyone Around

Rep. Alan Grayson: “Has the Federal Reserve Ever Tried to Manipulate the Stock Market?”

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pastor prays for Obama's death

A pastor in Arizona is encouraging his parishioners to pray for the death of President Obama. In this local news report, the pastor defends his controversial statements. Disagreeing with the President is a 1st Amendment right -- but does this preacher go too far?

Quote of The Day

"If it's another week, it's another change to the Obama health care strategy. First, it was 'We're going to save all this money with health care reform.' Then it was demonizing the insurance companies. Then it was demonizing the town hall people. And now I don't know what they're on to."

Pelosi's Double Standard on the Minimum Wage

Pete Stark Blows Up Over National Debt