Monday, March 29, 2010

Palin denies that she's inciting violence

Speaking at a Tea Party rally over the weekend, Sarah Palin denied that anti-health care reform rhetoric was inspiring people to violence. For more on this, watch The Factor on Monday night.

Quote of The Day

"...given all the truly hateful rhetoric that has been spewed by the left, and continues to be spewed by the left, forgive me if I am unmoved by the Democrats' current pleas for their calls for civility and so forth, and their outrage over isolated incidents of vandalism. Criminality of any sort or inciting people to violence is reprehensible. And the GOP leadership has condemned this."

Thursday, March 25, 2010

GOP leader slams Dems for playing politics over health care threats

After Democratic complaints that Republicans weren't doing enough to stem the rash of anti-Obamacare threats and vandalism, GOP House Minority Whip Eric Cantor slammed Democrats during a press conference Thursday. Cantor accused the Democrats of playing politics, and also revealed that his office had been targeted by a gunman.

Quote of The Day

"[Your humble correspondent] believes the freedom issue is crucial. In the New York Times' lead editorial today, that far-left paper celebrates Obama-care and urges the president to continue spending billions of dollars to protect individual Americans from just about everything... This is what many Americans fear—that the USA will become a top-down society. That is, the government will tell citizens and business what to do and when to do it."

Monday, March 22, 2010

Michael Moore: Democrats are 'wusses'

In an interview with a left wing website, Michael Moore sounded off on Democrats -- he thinks they're not liberal enough!

Boehner gives fiery speech against health care

Before the House voted on health care on Sunday, Minority leader Rep. John Boehner gave a fiery speech in opposition to the bill. Unfortunately for Boehner, the bill passed, handing Obama and the Democrats a huge victory.

Quote of The Day

"The bottom line: Americans are smarter than the Democrats give them credit for. If you think dealing with your insurance company now is a pain, then just wait until you have to lobby a member of Congress for changes to the health care monstrosity once it's passed. Simply put, this is the biggest con job that has ever been foisted on the American people."

Monday, March 1, 2010

Cheney's surprise CPAC visit

Former VP Dick Cheney made a surprise appearance at CPAC, the conservative conference now taking place in Washington DC. Cheney was greeted like a rock star by the crowd. He spoke briefly, and predicted that Obama would be a one-term president.

Senator compares climate change skeptics to Nazi deniers

Bernie Sanders, the Socialist Party Senator from Vermont, spoke about climate change science at a hearing on Tuesday, and compared critics of climate change to deniers of the Nazi threat in the 1930s.