Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Harvard Student Takes On Barney Frank Over Economy

Have you seen the video of a Harvard student challenging Barney Frank to take responsibility for his role in the subprime crisis? Watch.

His defensive bullying and sputtering and ranting about “right-wing attacks” speaks for itself.

So do the FOIA records that Judicial Watch obtained and released yesterday, which I linked yesterday. A reminder for Barney Frank (and ammunition for the next time a brave student wants to take him on again):

Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) and a conservative Harvard law student debated over how Frank should have handled his role as the House Chairman of the Financial Services Committee. Frank was at Harvard University for a speech at the Kennedy School of Government.

Frank said the student wasn't backing up his claims, invoking some laughter from the crowd, and the student told Frank he wasn't answering his question.

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