Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Another banned tag: Flip-Flop Anti=Recommend Group

LossAngeles 238 days ago:

"This is one I've used on occasion when an author says one thing one week then changes his/her tune to fit what ever transpired.

Tags are not visible on a per story basis anymore. Remember that even MW is basically a data mining site similar to Facebook / et al. They need our viewership and most important for THEIR community our input . You'll be seeing fewer comments from me because I don't like the totalitarian approach they are taking with respect to my tags."

diamondlou 298 days ago :

Don't feel too bad LA...look what they told GT lately:

MarketWatch-Admin May 13, 2008 1:14 PM


You need to be more respectful of Community members or we will have to disable your account. You have had a number of moderated posts recently and been warned about following the Community guidelines: Regards, MWA

LossAngeles 296 days ago

"How did you get a hold of that? It's a bit irrelevant tho because my tag was far harmless then his constant attacks and rants on so many each day. I am a bit peeved at the tag removal, but at the same time grinning, it means it caught their attention after several weeks, no doubt after staff probably got involved. It also reminds me of how so many of these Internet 'communities' which foster free speech restrict it when it doesn't suit them.

I'm still trying to see how my anti-recommend tag is a TOS violation but I've not had time to research the TOS lol. It's nice out in LA and I've been AFK =)"

GhostWaltz 287 days ago :

"I tried to tag an article with "rose-colored-glasses" and it doesn't register!!!

Is this a banned tag? Haha, that would be funny. "

LossAngeles 283 days ago :

"I believe it is. Another one of mine was removed yesterday or today. Nothing vulgar or bad, just free speech, and when that doesn't suit them, well they'll get rid of it.

It's why I always take these online communities with a grain of salt. They aren't interested in the 'betterment of communications among members' they are interested in making money, and they do that by pimping certain stories, and spin, which gets them ad clicks . It's really quite simple and easy to see =)"

RIP, Auntie, I loved ya =) "