He is the first President to go on one of these kind of "entertainment shows". It brings his credibility into question even more. It also brings up his "celebrity divaness". And being a mother to 2 special need children I personally took it offensive to make fun of the special olympics. He was implying he was a retard by scoring low and was meaning special need children cant amount to what everyone else does. Very low and shows his sick sense of humor. If he doesnt like race jokes towards african americans then he shouldt be making fun of anyone else based on something that is not in their control. -Nicole
I think Obama thinks that "special needs children" are a choice... I'm sure he'd rather they be eliminated... I'm sure they're a drag on the beautiful people like the Obamas! I can't see Barry and Michelle schlepping all over the country with... say a baby with Down's Syndrome... it wouldn't conform to their image. Here's a BIG, FAT appreciative RAVE to Mom's like you, Nicole, and Sarah Palin! My pleasure... I find intolerance and thoughtlessness bad characteristics in a "savior". -Pistol
Absolutely not he dumbed down the dignity of the office while insulting the mentaly challenged, a twofer .. Bush can't shoot that well !!! -Bob
Only a beast would degrade retarded children. Obama has disqualified himself to lead this Country.The reason why you Democrats are trying to minimize this disgrace is that this is the way you ALL talk among yourselves and in the privacy of your homes. You pontificate in public about discrimination and hatred, yet YOU are the ones doing all the hating.Obama has inadvertantly let us all witness what a Democrat is all about. Was it a mistake? Of course it was....to say it in public under the lights. But in private, when they think nobody is looking, this is how Democrats are....hateful bigots, to be sure. -Jay
Any president of the USA can get all the time needed on TV or any media for that matter if need be, problem is the publicity like stunt of joining Jay on The Tonight Show does not portray what a standing president ought to portray...in other words Jay actually exploited the president and the president let it happen...like I have said before Obama is a puppet at the hands of whoever may be the puppeteer...also Jay is not as stupid as some may think... Time and Place matter....just as Time and Space... -amaterasu
Obama is nothing without his teleprompter other then a good public speaker and that is why he screwed up and made an idiot of himself without it. A slick dude. -Peace within
Obama is over his head (above his pay grade as he used to say). Instead of being presidential and tackling the massive problems of our Country, he's running around still in campaign mode - leaving the dirty work for an even more inept Congress. -John Adams
Obama is spending almost as much time out of Washington as he is in Washington.He is overwhelmed........ and Exhausted....... they said it.... they said all this.The Obama staff said this.That was their excuse for the rudeness to the Prime Minister of England........He has no time in his schedule for a Proper visit... but he has time to fly off toa Leno show. HE DIDN'T EVEN GIVE THE PRIME MINISTER LUNCH. -Mattynr
I will pray for you. I could care less what color anyone is. But as someone was said, "I wait for the day when all Gods's children are judged by their character and not their color". It seems to me that the Dems are the ones that always bring up race and judge people based on ethinic and racial criteria. That is the very basis of a racist!!! The Dems can't defend their positions based on the intellectual points, so they simply resort to calling anyone that dares to opose Obama a racist. That is so obivious and so sad that you guys resort to that type of childish name calling, simply to attempt to shame your oposition from perhaps doing things that may improve the country. But that is what some do when they can't make their case on the merits. B-T-W, I attend church with many races and people from various backgrounds. I would be carefull before I started doing God's work, assigning who will be in hell if I were you. But the fact that you make such sweeping judgements does say a lot about you. Read your bible and see what God's ways really are. I think you will find he doesn't sit in heaven rubbing his hands together hoping the Government will fix everything. No God empowers every individual to take hold of their own situation and make a change. He will meet you where you are and bring you through. Just believe in his son Jesus. -Mike
I still don't buy anything this snake oil salesman is selling, and no I don't think he should be laughing it up with Jay Leno on the tonight show, on Sports Center doing his basketball picks, or bowling while Russia and France are calling for an end to the dollar! I think he should be at his desk with his head buried in paperwork concerning this country's problems. -cantomagica
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