Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Marketwatch on Life Support?

LBX : Reports live from the defunct Marketwatch community.

Is Marketwatch in fact on Life Support?

Insider trading charges against former Marketwatch founder and Dow Jones board members, one has to ask what is next?

While this controversy brews on... so many have left.. so many (like me) have stopped posting...

How is this affecting Marketwatch website metrics?

We know Marketwatch pageviews are in trouble.

Time spent per page.. etc. .must also be affected...Something suggest that in the background, they know they are in trouble.

Furthermore, there is a weekly report that should be showing some real interesting numbers this week.

1 comment:

  1. I am convinced that the USSR is attempting to defeat the United States by tampering with our bodily fluids. I believes that flouridation of drinking water is a communist conspiracy.
