Wednesday, March 11, 2009

MW Admin Apology

LBX Mar 11, 2009 7:05 PM

I take the above reply as your explicit admission that you have, in the past, used the word "frag" knowingly, intentionally, and deliberately against a member's account.Kindly confirm this fact.Please confirm that you are acting in your official capacity when you were doing so.Did you advise your immediate supervisor of your actions?If so, on what occasion? At what time? Date? How? Was the advice in writing? Did your supervisor consent to your actions?Would you be kind enough to give the MW community a definitive statement of how many times you have used the term, on what occasions, and in what context, and permit the MW committee to review your communications where this term or its like were used?What action do you intend to take to rescind the use of this term in the past?What amends do you propose to MW members who this, "inappropriate" and possibly illegal threat was issued to by you?

MarketWatch-Admin Mar 11, 2009 7:45 PM

I did use the the word "frag." Mea culpa. I have only used it once, and the account in question was deleted after several attempts to reconcile the user with our rules. He has since returned under new guises. Some deleted some left alone. If he doesn't abuse the system, his other guises will remain.I used the word frag because I had seen it in other posts so I thought it was in the language of the land. I was trying, unsuccessfully, to fit in. If the word "frag" has been deemed "threatening," I won't use it anymore. Done. Add it to your win column.And yes, I've alerted higher ups to what is going on in Community and I've also briefed them on my attempts to bring rampant abusers into the arms of peaceful nations. They are to date, supportive, but think I am wasting my time and should just delete the lot of them. So, I may very well be out of a job soon but I remain hopeful that Father Flanagan was right and that there are, "no bad boys."

LBX Mar 11, 2009 7:59 PM

Apologize in public to the MW community for your actions and MW Admin in general.Notwithstanding the generalities of the foregoing, specific apology to any and all persons in the MW community for:- use of the word "frag" by MW Admin.- pledge to never threaten another member / account again.- cease and desist from using "volunteers" as Forum Moderators pending a review and redesign of the system.Open a dialog with the community on the issue of "community moderators" who have abused the system for whatever reasons.Simultaneously, open a dialog with MW posters on what is the definition and operationalization of "inappropriate"content, how the system of post deletes work now, leading to a clear, transparant, fair, and credible system for the future.Furthermore, open a dialog leading to the reinstatement of deleted members damaged by your policies and actions including any "points they may have lost" plus any non monetary compensation deemed appropriate and fair by a joint MW Forum Management / MW Forum Members committee.Do this in public in the "MW Censorship" group by starting a new topic in the next 30 minutes (or by 9:30pm ET).I am afraid if I do not see affirmative action from you, your actions to date are:
a) highly "inappropriate"
b) most likely seen as unlawful
C) unbecoming of an employee of a major US Corporation.

I regret to inform you that time is of the essence because it is on my calendar and my intent to raise these issues with the CEO of Dow Jones in the Morning.

Sincerely, "

Haha, LBX,

Integral, Antiderivative and Riemann were all deleted. Integral was threatened with fragging then fragged but not the other two. Antiderivative and Riemann just went poof. Anger management is in order for the MW admin. The MW admin is not even able to refer to me by my mathematical names. Clearly this has become a personal hate mission for the MW admin.

1 comment:

  1. Integral-
    I was deleted without notice and I am not allowed to reregister (even under another email address). Must have been the threat to contact their advertisers that has me blackballed.
