Saturday, March 7, 2009

Stocks face uphill battle as budget, retail sales loom


  1. EnronNation:

    Judy, Obama should raise the $3,000 deduction for stock losses to at least $10,000 to help those who do own stocks. Contrary to what you believe, the working poor and middle class do own stocks and have been badly burned by Bush's crony capitalism. Just glad that I'm mostly in cash since I expected him to destroy the economy just like he did his oil company, Arbusto, years ago.

    Haha, this response reminds me of a great joke.

    Q: What do you call a basement of liberals?
    A: A whine cellar.

  2. Haha, here is the first story click on the link and start commenting. Then for further reviews toggle between the blog and the story.
